Mathinna (2008)

Years 5-6 & Years 9-10

Download print versions: Years 5-6 | Years 9-10

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Sections in this Resource

Telling the Story: Mathinna (2008)

Mathinna is based on the true story of a young Tasmanian Aboriginal girl, Mathinna, who lived in the early 1800s.

Excerpts from Mathinna

Mathinna shows how movement, imagery, design, music and sound all contribute to present a narrative about social and cultural perceptions.

Bringing the Story to the Stage: The Creative Process

The creating of Bangarra’s production of Mathinna began with extensive research of historical record, literary and visual interpretations. Most importantly, there was close consultations with several Aboriginal Tasmanian community Elders.

Before Viewing

What do students already know about movement and dance? What do they know about Mathinna and the Aboriginal people of Tasmania?

After Viewing

What did the students experience watching Mathinna? What did they observe and what is their response to the work?

Next Steps

Use improvisation, exploration and experimentation of movement to create dance, communicate ideas, and reflect back on Mathinna

Links, Further Reading & Acknowledgements
Mathinna with Audio Description

Resource developed by Bangarra Dance Theatre Australia with funding and support from the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.