With Bangarra Since:
Family Background:
Rika is from Broome in Western Australia. She is a descendant of the Yawuru, Bunaba, Bardi and Jaru people in the Kimberley Region. Rika also shares Japanese, Chinese and Scottish ancestry.

Before joining Bangarra in 2015, Rika studied at NAISDA Dance College, where she was awarded the prestigious Chairman’s Award.


Rika is a senior artist with the company and is grateful to have worked with a number of artists and cultural tutors throughout her career. She is honoured to be able to perform and consult on a Kimberley work such as SandSong. She’d like to acknowledge The Kimberley community back home who have shaped her into who she is today. 


Rika has toured nationally (Bennelong, lore, OUR land people stories, Dark Emu and 30 years of sixty five thousand), regionally (Kinship, Terrain, OUR land people stories, Bennelong, Spirit: a Retrospective) and internationally (Europe, Asia, America). 

“This is not just brilliant art-making, in an era of resurgent Hansonism, it’s essential viewing for any thoughtful Australian”

The West Australian